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< >Required
[ ]Optional
|Means "or"
botRefers to the Suggestions bot

General Commands

dmEnable or disable suggestion DMsclick
infoView bot informationclick
pingView the latency of the bot and APIclick
statsView bot statisticsclick
suggestSubmit a new suggestionclick
view votersView the voters on a given suggestionclick

Staff Commands

These commands require a staff role or the Manage Server (MANAGE_GUILD) permission.

approveApprove a submitted suggestionclick
rejectReject a submitted suggestionclick
queueGet the status of or view the guild's suggestions queueclick

Admin Commands

These commands require the Manage Server (MANAGE_GUILD) permission.

configView and update various configuration settings of the botclick
user blocklist addRemove a users ability to create suggestionsclick
user blocklist removeRe-add a users ability to create suggestionsclick

Command Information

Approve Command

/approve <sID|message ID> [response]

Approve a submitted suggestion via its suggestion ID (sID) or message ID with an optional response.

suggestion_idThe sID you wish to approve/approve suggestion_id:abc123true
responseAn optional response to add to the suggestion/approve suggestion_id:abc123 response:Expect this to be implemented in January 2024false

Config Command

/config get [setting]
/config <setting> <value>

View and update various configuration settings of the bot.

  • You can check a specific setting by running /config get [setting]
  • You can view an overview of all settings by running /config get
  • You can update a specific setting by running /config <setting> <value>

Read more about configuring the bot via the configuration page.

DM Command

/dm <view|enable|disable>

View or enable/disable if the bot can DM you regarding suggestions (cannot be overridden if the server has DMs disabled).

Info Command


The info command displays the bot's authors, description, important links, and the bot version. Some of the most significant information is found here.

Queue Command

/queue <info|view>

The queue command displays information about the guild's queue (info) or displays the queue of suggestions (view).

infoView information about the guild's suggestions' queue/queue infotrue
viewView the guild's suggestions' queue/queue viewtrue

Read more about how you can quality control suggestions in your server via the queue page.

Ping Command


This command displays the latency of the bot (where it's hosted) and the API (Discord API).

Reject Command

/reject <sID|message ID> [response]

Reject a submitted suggestion via its suggestion ID (sID) or message ID with an optional response.

suggestion_idThe sID you wish to reject/reject suggestion_id:abc123true
responseAn optional response to add to the suggestion/reject suggestion_id:abc123 response:We cannot implement this feature at this timefalse

Stats Command


The stats command displays information regarding how many servers the bot is in, its uptime, bot version, library version, etc. Check here if you're a geek or just want to see how many servers the bot is in.

Suggest Command

/suggest <suggestion>

This command will allow the user to submit a new suggestion that will be sent to the set suggestions channel in the server.

suggestionYour suggestion/suggest suggestion:More emotes for Wumpustrue
imageAn image to add to your suggestion, if allowed in the server. Images currently expire after a couple of weeks/suggest suggestion:Add this emote image:<attached image>false
anonymouslySubmit your suggestion anonymously/suggest suggestion:Add a system to directly report staff to admins anonymously:truefalse

View Voters Command

/view voters <suggestion_id> [filter]

This command will allow the user to view the voters on a particular suggestion. This command is an extension of being able to do the same thing through the message context menu on a suggestion.

suggestion_idThe suggestion you want to view voters forN/A/view voters suggestion_id:lrt97z1strue
filterThe voters to view for this suggestion- All voters
- Up voters
- Down voters
/view voters suggestion_id:lrt97z1s filter:Up votersfalse

Down below, you'll find different examples of how suggestions are displayed.

Up voters for suggestion lrt97z1s
Johnny Test
Page 1 of 1

Running /view voters suggestion_id:lrt97z1s filter:Up voters will display all users who have upvoted the suggestion.

Down voters for suggestion lrt97z1s
Johnny Test
Page 1 of 1

Running /view voters suggestion_id:lrt97z1s filter:Down voters will display all users who have downvoted the suggestion.

All voters for suggestion lrt97z1s

Johnny Test
Page 1 of 1

Running /view voters suggestion_id:lrt97z1s filter:All voters will display all users who have voted for the suggestion, both upvoters and downvoters.

User Blocklist Add Command

/user blocklist add <suggestion_id>

This command will allow an administrator to block a specific user from submitting new suggestions. It takes the suggestion ID as input. Read more information on how this works here.

User Blocklist Remove Command

/user blocklist remove [suggestion_id|user_id]

This command will allow an administrator to remove a specific user from the suggestion submission blocklist. It takes either a user ID or a suggestion ID as input. Read more information on how this works here.

suggestion_idThe suggestions ID you wish to reference/user blocklist remove suggestion_id:lrt97z1sfalse
user_idThe users discord id/user blocklist remove user_id:158063324699951104false